
Event date from: 11-10-2025 to: 12-10-2025

The October is the month of the apple. There are many events to celebrate this fruit of the earth.

Pomaria: the most famous apple harvest festival of the Trentino region! An extraordinary event celebrating apples in their many guises.

Activities during Pomaria
- representations of ancient crafts
- wine and food tasting of local products
- authentic experiences
- show cooking
- guided tours
- kids activities

Pomaria is organized by the “Apple and Flavours Route of Val di Non and Val di Sole”, in partnership with Val di Non Tourism Board, Melinda, and local organisations and institutions.

More information

Azienda per il Turismo Val di Non
Tel. 0463 830133 | info @ visitvaldinon.it

Strada della Mela e dei Sapori delle Valli di Non e Sole
Tel. 0463 421584 | info @ stradadellamela.com

Hotel Val di Non and Predaia and environs

Local shops: Val di Non and Predaia and environs