In Val Gardena by mountain bike

23 April 2024

Spring brings the rebirth of nature and awakens in people the desire to go out, to bask in the sun with a picnic on green meadows, to go trekking on trails to discover the wonderful landscapes that surround us and, above all, awakens the desire to go out again with one's mountain bike to have fun exploring new territories. Thanks to the increasingly warmer temperatures and longer days, Val Gardena becomes the perfect destination, offering specially created and well-maintained trails suitable for every type of explorer, even those on two wheels

With its many trails scattered among the hills and mountains, the renowned South Tyrolean valley of Val Gardena becomes perfect for hiking, relaxing in the woods, more challenging treks and adrenalin-pumping bike rides.

To supplement the offer, Val Gardena organises many MTB events. Among the most important are:

  • Sellaronda Bike Day 08/06/2024
  • HERO Südtirol Dolomites 15/06/2024
  • MTB Trail Hunt - Caccia al canederlo 31/08/2024
  • Sellaronda Bike Day 07/09/2024

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