Dolomiti Extreme Trail

Event date from: 06-06-2025 to: 08-06-2025

From 6 to 8 June 2025 will take place in Forno di Zoldo the Dolomiti Extreme Trail the exciting mountain race of:
- 103 km, 7,150 metres of positive height difference and 7,150 metres of negative height difference
- 72 km, 5,500 metres of positive height difference and 5,500 metres of negative height difference
- 55 km, 3,800 metres of positive height gain and 3,800 metres of negative height gain
- 22 km, 1,300 metres of positive height gain and 1,300 metres of negative height gain
- 11 km, 700 metres of positive height gain and 700 metres of negative height gain which takes in the most spectacular Dolomite massifs in the Belluno area.

The "Dolomiti Extreme Trail" of 103, 72, 55, 22 and 11 km will start from the village set up in Forno di Zoldo.

Hotel Val di Zoldo and environs

Local shops: Val di Zoldo and environs