Articles for Trentino page 4 of 7
Lake of Lavarone
08-03-2010"The cleanest lake in Italy": ten years ago a research so defined the Lake of Lavaron...
Flora of Natural Park Adamello-Brenta
17-01-2012The rich,various flora and vegetation, due to the heterogeneous morphological and mic...
Fauna - Natural Park of Adamello-Brenta
17-01-2012The extraordinary environmental conformation of the park territory allows the presenc...
Apple harvest with children
01-01-1970October is the queen of fruits month and there are many festivals that celebrate the...
#albeinmalga: mountain pastures built for families
01-01-1970For those who love the mountains and want to discover the joys of alpinism in an unus...
San Romedio Sanctuary
17-01-2012San Romedio Sanctuary is in Trentino, plunged in the wild nature of Val di Non, inhab...
Tesino Golf Club la Farfalla
17-05-2021The Tesino Golf Club la Farfalla is a 9-hole course built on hilly terrain along a 27...
Rendena Golf Club
17-05-2021The Val di Fassa Golf Club in Campitello offers players a 5-hole course, a 200 m long...
Where to practice Nordic Walking in Trentino
12-07-2021There are several Nordic Walking Parks in Trentino: in Val di Sole (in Val di Peio an...
Lakes of Garzonè and S. Giuliano
06-03-2010According to the scientists, the lakes of Garzonè and S. Giuliano were once an only b...
Lake Santo in Valle di Cembra
08-03-2010Lake Santo The lake Santo lies in the northern slope of the Vale di Cembra. It is eas...
Lake of Serraia
08-03-2010The lake of Serraia has gained a certain fame for several reasons. The first one has...
History of the Paganella plateau
24-03-2010Man settlements on the table-land have very far origins. The oldest finds came to lig...
Cross-country in the ski area of Paganella
01-12-2020The avant-garde ski area of Paganella includes the districts of Andalo, Fai della Pag...
Sled slopes on Brentonico plateau and Monte Baldo
09-07-2010Sled slopes are available on the ski resorts of Polsa and San Valentino: these are su...
Sled slope on Monte Bondone
09-07-2010In Viote on the mountain Monte Bondone you can sled on a easy 80-metre slope, suitabl...
Lake of Valagola
05-10-2011The lake of Valagola lies in the Adamello-Brenta Natural Park.Contrary to other lakes...
The fossils of Monte Baldo in Rovereto
05-10-2011The whole area of Rovereto, and in particular the plateau of Brentonico and the north...