Llama trekking on the Renon Plateau

On the Ritten Plateau you can enjoy a different holiday experience for the whole family: a fun and interesting walk with llamas and alpacas. The treks are organised by the Kaserhof farm in Soprabolzano, which owns a herd of 151 animals, with 36 stallions and 84 mares, which every year give birth to around 50 foals: the largest in Italy and one of the best in Europe.

Llama walks and tours lasting several days

In order to get to know these docile and sociable animals at close quarters, half-day excursions to the Ritten earth pyramids are organised every week on Wednesdays and Fridays. A walk with more than 20 trained stallions equipped with saddlebags for snacks, led by participants on a rope. The start is at 9.30 a.m. at the farm, in front of the stable. The walk along the theme path takes about 3.5 hours and has an altitude difference of 300 metres. Before returning to the farm, a speck snack will be served.

In order to take part in the half-day llama trek, reservations must be made at the Kaserhof farm by the previous day (tel. 0471 345046).  Warm, waterproof clothing and hiking boots are recommended. The cost per person is about € 40, per family € 90. Discounts for Rittencard holders. The hike is organised with a minimum of 5 participants.

There are also trekking tours lasting several days, e.g. along the chestnut trail or high mountain treks, such as to the Corno del Renon, Alpe di Siusi, Col Raiser, Catinaccio... and intensive courses to learn more about the world of llamas and alpacas.

Hotel Renon and environs

Local shops: Renon and environs