Lagorai trekking

The Lagorai is the chain that stretches across eastern Trentino, about 50 km long. It is a paradise for trekking and outdoor enthusiasts in a still wild and uncontaminated environment: green pastures, small alpine lakes and dolomitic rocks, making it one of the most natural areas in Trentino. On the Lagorai there are numerous itineraries suitable for both families and experts. You can choose between one-day or multi-day high altitude tours that require overnight stays in a refuge, admire the sites of the Great War or discover the numerous alpine huts in the area and adopt a cow.

High-altitude itineraries

Among the most fascinating high-altitude itineraries are the Alta Via del Granito, which leads to the highest peak in the chain, Cima d'Asta (2847 m); the Alta Via del Porfido; the Lagorai Panorama and the Translagorai traverse, amidst breathtaking views and evidence of the First World War. In 2017, a new route was created, dedicated precisely to the theme of war, the Alta Via del Centenario, a 5-day route of 53 km among trenches, war works and communication trenches.

Family itineraries

On the Lagorai you can easily spend a nice day with your family, walking along easy paths and walks of varying difficulty, among mountain refuges and restaurants where you can stop for a tasty break. The Valtrigona Oasis, one of the few in the Alps, is very beautiful. Its Nature Trail allows you to see the biodiversity of the forests and discover the fauna and flora of the high mountains.

Adopt a cow

The landscape of the Lagorai and Valsugana is characterised by the presence of alpine huts, where cheese is still produced as in the past. The project "Adopt a cow" has been created to discover these places, to support the activity of the "malghesi" (shepherds) and to promote the world of mountain pastures by tasting 0 km dairy products.

Hotel Valsugana - Lagorai and environs

Local shops: Valsugana - Lagorai and environs