How to wear snowshoes

In order to distinguish the right snowshoe from the left, you should normally look at the closing buckle, which always has to be on the outside. Shoes have to be strong and waterproof (we recommend you climbing boots or walking shoes) and have to be inserted in the snowshoe in such a way that the foot tip lies over the snowshoe end, tightening the front strap to fix it. After that you will fasten the heel using the other strap.

Trekking poles are a very important accessory for snowshoers: they help to keep the balance in the snow and to regulate rhythm while walking. We suggest you to use telescopic poles, whose length can be regulated according to the height, as well as to the kind of ground and to the style.

Furthermore, don't forget to dress properly, wearing warm and waterproof clothes such as those for ski mountaineering. Gaiters are essential.