Sled slopes in Alta Valle Isarco

Sled lovers can find many slopes in Alta Valle Isarco valley. If you come with your friends, try sledding by night, either in the moonlight or on floodlit slopes. There are 12 natural sled slopes (some of them are floodlit) which are perfectly prepared for your descent: easy, medium-difficulty, difficult, just choose the one you prefer. Furthermore close to some of the slopes you can also rent the sleds.


  • Natural slope Monte Cavallo/Rosskopf, 10 km


  • Natural slope Zirog (Bagni di Brennero/Brennerbad), 6,5 km
  • Natural slope Allriss (Fleres/Pflersch), 3,5 km
  • Natural slope from Bergstation to Talstation Ladurns, 6,5 km


  • Natural slope Waldeben (Val Giovo/Jaufental), 1,4 km (illuminated)
  • Natural slope Atscherwiesen (Telves/Telfes) ,1,9 km (illuminated)
  • Natural slope Racines/Ratschings in Racines di Dentro/Innerratschings from mountain station, 5 km

Hotel Alta Valle Isarco and environs

Local shops: Alta Valle Isarco and environs