SMACH.2025: Land Art exhibition in the Dolomites

20 February 2025

SMACH - San Martin Art Culture History - is a land art project and a biennial exhibition for artists from all over the world that started in 2012 in San Martino in Badia.

The project aims to represent the combination of 'art and nature', in which the latter exhibits artistic creations, specifically designed and adapted to the various sites.

Over the years, SMACH has grown to become a non-profit cultural association in 2018 with objectives such as organising the SMACH competition every two years, organising side events, deepening historical, cultural and traditional aspects of the area, and creating in people an interest in art and the appreciation of the Dolomites.

For the seventh edition of the SMACH Biennial, the theme chosen was inspired by a Ladin term identifying a traditional local object: the ‘cu’. This is a stone used to sharpen the scythe, an indispensable tool for cutting grass in meadows. The ‘cu’ becomes a symbol of materiality, imagination, craftsmanship, technical evolution and universality of form, as well as of those basic needs that unite the world's different cultures. Even today, in the alpine pastures and meadows of Val Badia, some people continue to mow the grass by hand, keeping alive the tradition of sharpening blades with the whetstone. An aspect that ties in deeply with the artistic reflection proposed by this edition of the biennial.

The SMACH Biennial is looking for project proposals for artistic, sculptural and installation interventions. The 10 winning projects will be realised thanks to the prize awarded and presented in various alpine locations in Val Badia, in the unique and evocative setting of the UNESCO Dolomites, from July to September 2025:

01/12/2024 - Opening of the call for entries
02/03/2025 - Deadline for submission of proposals
28/03/2025 - Announcement of winners
01-08/06/2025 - Installation of works (maximum 5 days in this period)
12/07/2025 - Inauguration
14/09/2025 - End of exhibition
by 20/09/2025 - Disassembly of works


  • Pederü
  • Fanes
  • Ju de Sant'Antone
  • Armentara
  • La Crusc
  • Lé de La Lunch
  • Pares
  • Forcela de Furcia
  • Pra de Pütia
  • Chi Jus

SMACHStr. Preroman 20/A | 39030 San Martin de Tor (BZ) | Italy - Dolomites
Telephone: +39 349 21 50 164

Hotel San Martino in Badia and environs

Local shops: San Martino in Badia and environs