The origin of Trentino Lakes

Trentino Lakes has been considered a little ocean in the heart of the Dolomites.
The origin of these basins, which represented an oasis in a desert of rocks for hunters, is in the Quaternary Galciation era.

The first settings connected to the lakes date back to the Late Paleolithic (about 10 thousand years B.C.): near Terlago Lake some manufactured goods of certain artistic interest have been found,and also in the higer areas, near the lakes of Colbricòn and delle Buse, at about 2000 m, remains of Mesolithic hunters' bivouacs have been found.

Suggestive finds are still visible in Lago di Ledro nearby and in the Fiavé peat ground: remains of pile-dwelling villages of the Bronze Era. But the long series of discoveries go on in the time until the prehistoric foundries of the Lago delle Piazze (in Piné table-land) and to the broken sword of the Pudro Lake (Alta Valsugana).

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