Lake of Nambrone

The lake of Nambrone lies at the limits of the Adamello-Brenta Natural Park. It has a surface of about 35,000 square metres and is at 2,442 metres above sea-level. As many of the lakes of the Adamello Presanella mountain group, the lake of Nambrone has glacial origins and occupies the bottom of a big circle. Its waters are extremely clear, while its shores are wild and almost desert.

The lake can be reached after about three hours' walk, climbing from the wild Val Nambrone up to the pass of the same name. From there, it takes about half an hour to reach Lake Nambrone along a path that is sometimes exposed and not always visible. It is therefore suitable for experienced hikers.

The Nambrone Pass can also be climbed from the Gelato and Serodoli lakes (5-lake tour).

Hotel Pinzolo and environs

Local shops: Pinzolo and environs