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Hotel Peio-Cogolo

Local shops: Peio-Cogolo

Peio-Cogolo: hot springs and ski, active and wellness holidays

In Peio-Cogolo you find the perfect balance between a sport holiday and a wellness holiday. Renowned spa resort where guests come to cure their diseases and to regain fitness, this is also a ski resort perfect for families with small children and an ideal starting point for trekking and Nordic walking tours in the nature reserve of the Parco Nazionale dello Stelvio

The Val di Peio valley is known as "Valletta" and includes the municipality of Peio Paese, with its administrative divisions Cogolo, Celledizzo, Cellentino, Strombiano, Comasine and Peio Terme. It is a valley running parallel to the Val di Sole valley, stretching at the foot of the imposing Ortles-Cevedale Massif and crossed by the Noce stream. Among forests of firs and larch, among meadows and glaciers a thermal water flows out of the rocks of Peio Terme, a water rich of natural elements and already known in the XVI century. There are three springs: Fonte Alpina, Antica Fonte and Nuova Fonte, each with its healing properties. The spa, operating within the National Health Service, offers cures for many diseases and has also a well equipped wellness area with gyms, swimming pools, sauna areas and beauty center where you can train and relax. 

Kids can play on the snow a few steps away from the spa and will have a lot of fun on the long and easy ski slopes running down from the Viòz Mountain. Here they can ski safely, since the slopes are never too crowded. Moreover, in Scoiattolo there is a well equipped school camp suitable for the small skiers, whereas the Alpine Guides of the Parco dello Stelvio are always at your disposal for snowshoeing tours in this wonderful environment. In Cogolo and in Peio Terme you can also practice ice skating, cross-country skiing, ice climbing and ski mountaineering. 

The summer in Peio offers you an exciting holiday on the Noce stream, where you can practice rafting, canyoning and hydrospeed. You can also practice other sports surrounded by nature: walks in the nature reserve and to the Covel Lake, high altitude hikes on the mountains of Cevedale, Palon de la Mare, San Matteo and Viòz, and Nordic walking tours. If you love mountain biking or mushroom hunting you should explore the dirt tracks running through the forests. 

There are many traces left by the First World War: recently a museum dedicated to the White War was opened and not far from the village, on the summit of San Rocco, you find a chapel dedicated to this saint, often invoked against the plague, an Austro-Hungarian cemetery and the ruins of the Forte Barba di Fior fortress.


Besides Peio Terme, another important administrative division of Peio is Cogolo, administrative and economical center of the municipality hosting the town hall. It lies where the Mare and Monte streams, tributaries of the Noce stream, meet. In the village you find also the visitors center of the nature reserve of the Parco Nazionale dello Stelvio, tennis courts, inline skating centers, and the Pejo water bottling plant. Cogolo is a beautiful center rich of history and ancient buildings, like the church of the Saints Filippo and Giacomo of 1332 with its frescoes. Another interesting building is Palazzo Migazzi, an example of stately stronghold. Not far from her you find the church of the Saints Bartolomeo, Paolo and Tommaso, the only building remaining of the ancient village of Pegaia, destroyed by a landslide.

Ski resorts: Peio-Cogolo