Pelmo d’Oro 2024 in Pedavena

13 June 2024

Pedavena will host the 26th edition of the Pelmo d'Oro Award. The appointment with the eagerly awaited ceremony is for Saturday, 27 July at 10.15 a.m. in the Sala degli Elefanti in the Brewery in Pedavena.

The prize, established by the Province of Belluno in 1998, aims to recognise the special merits of individuals, public and private bodies, associations and groups in the following areas: mountaineering and Alpine solidarity, protection and enhancement of the environment and mountain resources, and promotion and dissemination of the culture, history and traditions of the communities of the Belluno Dolomites.

This year, the jury, comprising Roberto Padrin, president of the Province of Belluno; Stefano Santomaso, Federico Bressan and Giorgio Brotto of the CAI; Gianpaolo Sani of the Soccorso alpino; Enrico Geremia of the Veneto Mountain Guides and Marco Staunovo Polacco, president of the Consorzio Bim Piave, awarded the prize to: 

  • Alessandro Rudatis for Mountaineering in Activity
  • Diego Dalla Rosa for the Mountaineering Career
  • Don Sergio Sacco Sonador for Alpine Culture
  • Matteo Righetto - Special Prize Dolomites World Heritage UNESCO
  • Pieranna Casanova - "Giuliano De Marchi" Special Prize
  • Lisa Vittozzi - Pelmo d'Oro Special Award 

The Award ceremony will open with the symbolic handover between the Municipality of San Tomaso Agordino, which hosted the previous edition, and the Municipality of Pedavena; it will then continue with the awarding of the 2024 prizes. Making this edition special will be the contribution of the Belluno CAI Choir. In addition to the usual sculpture of Mount Pelmo by master Gianni Pezzei, there will be two works by sculptor Paolo Schenal of Pedavena.

Hotel Pedavena and environs