The botanic garden of Monte Faverghera

Integral nature Reserve

62.500- Location: Prealpi Bellunesi, Province of Belluno, Municipality of Belluno.

1400 - 1600 m

The reserve is situated on the west slope of Monte Faverghera, in an area of the mountain horizon with strongly fractured, cavernous, in sweet roundish forms shaped limestone rocks that belong to the medium superior cretaceous. The area presents an emphasized karstic morphology with many typical manifestations: caves, karstic wells, dolines, furrowed fields.


Fauna on Monte Faverghera


 In spite of being an instrument of interpretation of the complex environmental situation of the Eastern Alps - a function which is consequently privileged -, the Botanic Garden of Monte Faverghera hosts a not negligible typical fauna of the transition horizon. Here nest actually the wood grouse, the blackbird, the linnet. The rocks give hospitality on the contrary to wheaters, redtails, windhovers, buzzards, brown kites. Extraordinary is also the presence of not very frequent species as ermines and owls. Thanks to the presence of little ponds various amphibians abound.


Vegetation of the Botanical Garden of Monte Faverghera


The Botanic Garden of Monte Faverghera is set up on a characteristic "transition zone" that marks the passage from the arboreal shapes to the grasslands at an higher altitude. It is distinguished by thick bushes of rhododendron. A strong presence of willows, above all Stipulated Willow and Waldstein Willow, underlines the strong local humidity: the Reserve Monte Faverghera, thank to the variety of its environments, offers a broad vision of the different vegetal associations along the Eastern Alps.

Actually you cab find here plants of the subalpine bush, marshes and alpine springs, plants of pastures and alpine grasslands, of screes, valleys and cliffs. Inside every single association it is possible to see the most important endemisms of the Eastern Alps: primroses, saxifrages, gentians, etc., and understand the delicate mechanisms and the adaptations that let them survive in the difficult alpine environment.

Hotel Alpe del Nevegal and environs

Local shops: Alpe del Nevegal and environs