Secondary protected areas

So, even excluding from the listing the Brenta Dolomites Park, and many minor areas which are protected as well (Ramsar sites, wet areas, biotopes), we get some 1,850 sqkm which are under official protection seal, coming to over 20% of the territory, against a country average of 7.15%; and many other areas may be declared protected in the future, such as the bordering areas, from the Bellunese side, of the Pale di San Martino, of the Sextner Dolomites, etc.

This way, it shall be possible one day to obtain huge transregional parks; to this day, the only vast transregional park is the one composed by the South Tyrolean Fànes Park and the Ampezzo Park.

A brief mention should also be given to two other State Reserves: in the Cellina valley, the Prescudin valley is protected and can be visited only with a special permit obtainable at Barcis; up near Auronzo, on the North side of the Marmarole, the Somadida reserve can be visited without problems.

Further, before we get along, we would like to remind you that, by entering a Park (and other areas as well!): visitors should observe the law prescriptions and approach nature in the most unobtrusive way.

Hotel South Tyrol and environs

Local shops: South Tyrol and environs