Paneveggio-Pale di San MartinoNatural Park

The Paneveggio-Pale di San Martino Nature Park is a protected natural area in Trentino-South Tyrol established by the Autonomous Province of Trento in 1967. The territory extends from 1100 m asl to 3200 m asl. It borders Val di Fiemme and Val di Fassa on the northern side, Primiero to the south and Valle del Vanoi to the west.

To the east, the Park includes the Trentino part of the Pale di San Martino Dolomite Group, the largest mountain group in the Dolomites with an area of 240 km², and to the west the eastern offshoots of the Lagorai porphyry chain and the Cima d'Arzon mountain group, made up of metamorphic rocks.

Among the main peaks: Vezzana (3,192 m), Cimon della Pala (3,184 m), Cima Canali (2,900 m), Sass Maor (2,812 m).


The climatic diversity of the park leads to a diversity of vegetation. Towards the south there is a more thermophilic vegetation with the presence of the European ash, the downy oak and the chestnut. In the mountainous plain we find Spruce, Silver Fir and Beech.

To the north, beyond the Lagorai and the Pale di San Martino, the slopes are characterised by extensive Norway spruce forests, while the Swiss stone pine and larch grow at higher altitudes.

There are numerous endemic species. These include Campanula morettiana, Primula tyrolensis and Saxifraga facchini.  There is no shortage of lichens: the park has more than 650 known ones.


The flora of the park is extremely rich and varied. Here we can find: marmots, deer, roe deer, chamois, ibex, capercaillie, picidae, eagle owl, alpine salamander, brown trout, arctic char and papilonoid lepidoptera.

What to see in the Paneveggio-Pale di San Martino Nature Park

Among the most important attractions are: the wonderful Paneveggio Forest, the Colbricòn Lakes, Baita Segantini, Val Canali, Passo Rolle and the lunar Altopiano delle Pale, where you can visit the Fradusta glacier.

Panoramic Balcony on Alpe Tognola

The "Panoramic Balcony of the Dolomites" was inaugurated on Alpe Tognonla. A project started with the aim of promoting the knowledge and value of this UNESCO World Heritage area. The Balcony is presented as a terrace, created with wooden panels, used as an information and educational point. From the new terrace you can enjoy a marvellous view of the Friuli Dolomites, the Pale di San Martino Group, Marmolada, part of the Catinaccio Group and the Lagorai. The site can be reached on foot from the top of the Tognola cable car station in about 15 minutes or from the bottom along the Panzer path in about 1.5 hours.

Thematic paths in the Park

  • From Tonadico to Cimerlo passing by Villa Welspberg: 4.2 km | 3
  • Vanoi Ethnographic Trail - Mountain Trail: 6.5 km | 3.30 hours
  • Vanoi Ethnographic Trail - Pradi Ring: 3.5 km
  • Vanoi Ethnographic Trail - Val Ring: 3.4 km
  • Marciò Path: 2 km
  • Geological Trails: Valles-Venegia | Crode Rosse | Calaita-Cima d'Arzon
  • The Fedaie Muses Trail: 3.9 km

Visitor centres

Villa Welspberg
Locality Castelpietra
38054 Primiero San Martino di Castrozza
Phone +39 0439 765973

Locality Paneveggio
Phone +39 0439 576283

San Martino di Castrozza
Via Laghetto
38054 San Martino di Castrozza
Phone +39 0439 1905216

House of the Ethnographic Path
Vanoi Ecomuseum
Tel. +39 0439 719106

Hotel San Martino-Rolle Pass-Primiero-Vanoi and environs

Local shops: San Martino-Rolle Pass-Primiero-Vanoi and environs