Museum of the Val di Sole Civilization

The ethnographic museum of Val Solandra is situated on the ground floor of the old Austrian barracks. It was founded by the association "Centro Studi per la Val di Sole", opened in 1979 and extended later, in 1983. Here you find a permanent exhibition which explains the old traditions that characterized everyday life in the past in this area and were lost over the years. 

This museum reproduces the main activities of local people: ways and means of subsistence, mainly farming, cheese production and wood manufacturing. The ancient jobs (blacksmith, peasant, farmer, weaver, coppersmith) are illustrated with an exposition of original tools and thanks to the reconstruction of the ancient shops. 

In the middle of the museum you can see the reproduction of the main rooms of the traditional house: the "stùa", (this model comes from Vai di Rabbi) and the kitchen . Finally, you visit a very particular section dedicated to Giacomo Bresadola (1847-1929), the famous mycologist from Ortisè, who was called "prete dei funghi" ( "the priest of mushrooms").


Entrance: 4€
Guided tour: 5€
Discounts are available for groups of at least 10 people

For further information
Via Trento (Palazzo Ex Pretura), 38027 Malè TN
Tel. + 39 0463903166

Hotel Malè and environs

Local shops: Malè and environs