Ski Mountaineering in Madonna di Campiglio

Madonna di Campiglio has made history of ski in the Dolomites, and is still very frequented due both to its big ski area and for ski mountaineering. Most ski mountaineering itineraries can be found in the surroundings of Spinale, but also the area of Pradalago-5 Laghi is worth discovering.
The itineraries in the Brenta Dolomites are very exciting as well: anywere, most of them require a rather long training.
The area offers many opportunities to ski mountaineers: gentle wide slopes for beginners and steep forests and extreme slopes for experts, such as the Tosa canyon.

Other beautiful ski mountaineering routes take to Cima Roma, Val Gelada, Monte Ritòrt, Monte Serodoli, Tuckett refuge or Bocchetta dei Camosci. These itineraries are quite difficult and require training and care. For information and assistance, we suggest you to contact the Alpine Guides in Madonna di Campiglio and Pinzolo, who are also available for guided tours.

Hotel Campiglio - Rendena Valley and environs

Local shops: Campiglio - Rendena Valley and environs