Serrai di Sottoguda reopens

29 July 2024

The Serrai di Sottoguda, located in the Marmolada Nature Reserve at the foot of the Val Pettorina, are a marvellous natural treasure set in a gorge carved into the rock by the Pettorina Torrent, with walls over 100 metres high. Waterfalls and streams dominate this spectacular natural temple, which stretches for about 2.5 km. This oasis became a symbol of the disaster caused by storm Vaia in the autumn of 2018, which resulted in its immediate closure, still ongoing for a few days.

Between October and November 2018, the Pettorina torrent, due to the heavy rainfall caused by Storm Vaia, overflowed along the Serrai gorge, destroying its infrastructure. The flood caused irreparable damage to the road crossing the Serrai, sweeping away bridges, embankments and masonry. Immediately after the disaster, the6 unanimously decided to commit to planning the recovery of the Serrai, recognised as a landscape and environmental heritage of great value.

The inauguration of the Serrai di Sottoguda on 31 July

The reopening is scheduled for Wednesday, 31 July, with a dedicated ceremony in the presence of the authorities. The Serrai di Sottoguda will then be open to the public until the end of September.

From the 1st of August to the 15th of September, the entrance is free upon reservation. Opening hours
09:00 - 11:00
11:00 - 13:00
14:00 - 16:00
16:00 - 18:00

For further information
Consorzio Turistico Marmolada Rocca Pietore Dolomiti   
Tel. 0437 722277

Hotel Marmolada - Rocca Pietore and environs