Via Ferrata Passo Santner

Starting point: Rifugio Fronza alle Coronelle 2339 m
Arrival: Rifugio Fronza alle Coronelle 2339 m
Height difference: 850 m
Difficulty: for expert hikers with equipment
Duration: 5.40 hours
Recommended period: July to SeptemberAccess: from Malga Frommer 1743 m, on the road between Passo di Costalunga and Passo Nigra, by cableway to Rifugio Fronza

Notes: From Rifugio Fronza, Passo Santner, Rifugio Re Alberto, Rifugi Preuss and Vajolet, Passo delle Coronelle and back to the Rifugio.

Difficulty: Degree EEA = experienced hikers with climbing equipment
Duration: 07:00 hours
Difference in altitude: 850 m

Hotel Val di Fassa and environs

Local shops: Val di Fassa and environs