Cimòn della Pala

Description: from San Martino di Castrozza we go up to Colverde by car way and in 45 minutes, along the path n. 712, we reach the base of the well equipped wall. The ascent ends near the two spires. Let's continue now towards the gravel and we reach the Bivacco Fiamme Gialle (9 beds). The ascent lasts 4 hours. We go on towards the top and we arrive at the Bus del gat: a cave that offers us a superb sight on the below valley. An obliged passage, crawling on your fours, to reach the top.

More about it
With the term "pala", steep grassy slopes, often used for pasturing, are indicated: they stay at the base of the walls. Such toponym then has extended its meaning, going to designate the overhanging cliffs. The original name of pala is believed to refer to the towers, spires and to the wide wall of one precise mountain: the Pala di San Martino. Only later on the term has been extended to all the group.

Starting point: San Martino di Castrozza
Arrival: Cimòn della Pala
Walking time: 45 minutes to reach the beginning of the safeguarded climb; 4 hours for the ascent.
Difficulty: a demanding way but well equipped
Height difference: 1000 m of Height difference along the safeguarded climb

Notes: To travel the itinerary safely, it is advisable to contact the local alpine guides "Aquile di San Martino"

Difficulty: Degree EE = experienced hikers
Duration: 06:00 hours
Difference in altitude: 1000 m

Hotel San Martino di Castrozza and environs

Local shops: San Martino di Castrozza and environs