Mtb Tour in Val Casies

One starts from Villabassa main square and proceeds straight on the main road and through the bridge on stream Rienza, towards the church of Mooso (km 4). One keeps to the left towards Bellavista, just before the forester road left uphill.

One keeps to the right as far as the fork leading to the Restaurant al Ponte; straight on passing two mountain farms and a small church.
Before the bridge on the right, following the signs n.91 and n.43 towards Frondega, one proceeds on the forester road uphill.
Following the signs n.60/91 towards Frondego, 400 m after the crossroads (20,5 Km) turn left, then straight on as far as the asphalted road (22,3 Km).

Before the road right uphill (don't be afraid of the first steep stretch), left near the forester road, right at the first mountain farm, as far as Restauant Jorgerhof, following the signs n.9.
One goes down towards Santa Maria, on asphalted road, after the church left towards Villabassa, following the signs n.11. One turns right in Novecase and gets back to the starting point following the blue signs.

Starting point: Villabassa main square
Arriving point: Villabassa main square
Notes: easy tour, along tracks which can be easily followed.

Difficulty: Medium
Length: 32 km
Duration: 04:00 hours
Difference in altitude: 765 m

Hotel Villabassa and environs

Local shops: Villabassa and environs