Gold Tour Almrausch & Edelbike Circuit

The Gold Tour leads from Sarentino/Sarnthein via the Sarner Skihütte ski hut and the Opferwankalm and Kuhseitalm Alpine farms to the Obermarcherhof hikers’ car park. Then ascend to the Öttenbacheralm Alpine farm. The ascent to the Mittagerhütte and Kesselberghütt mountain huts is challenging but worthwhile, as its panoramic views and trail conditions are hard to beat.

A first class descent from the Kesselberghütte to the Waidmannalm Alpine farm is next. Then the fun really begins: free riding at the foot of the imposing Ifingerspitze peak. Those in good physical condition should turn off just before onto the ascent to the Kuhleitenhütte mountain hut (+ 1.5 km und + 320 km) for some extra fun. After the Meraner Hütte mountain hut, it is high time for enjoyable trail riding via the Kreuzjoch mountain to the Auener Joch plateau. Head via the “Stoanerne Mandln” cairns and the Möltner Kaser Alpine farm to the Lanzenschuster tavern. Continue via the Kampidellalm Alpine farm and the Jenesiener Jöchl ridge to the Putzer Kreuz cross and the Putzerhöfe farms.

For the descent: Cool down by gently pedalling via the paved road or, if you have energy to spare, via the “Direttissima”, the Putzer Kreuzweg trail (no. 5) to Sarentino.

Hotel Val Sarentino and environs

Local shops: Val Sarentino and environs