The story of stones

From the school follow the trail "Panoramasteig" to the farm "Tiefentaler", then walk uphill to the bend in the road and into the forest. Cross the mountainside almost flat to the small vitive chapel "Bachstöckl" (St. Margareth). Climb up to the farmsteads "Lechner Höfe" and continue to the Kofler Road, which you follow downhill for about 200 metres. 

Then take trail no. 18 to Greinwalden Road, which you follow for a short distance in a westerly direction (trail no. 17A), before turning left to the St. Valentin church and continuing to the main road. Walk westwards for about 100 m on the path next to the road, then cross it and follow the forest path (marked E10) to the sports area. 

From here, take the Landart path (marked 5 or 5A) to the lake "Issinger Weiher" and continue to the main road. The tour now leads up to the hamlet "Mühlen" (path 1), where you cross the street. Take Schloss Schöneck Road and later Hasenried Road (path 7) to reach the church of the hamlet "Hasenried". The "Pfaffensteig" trail branches off here and takes you back to the starting point. 

Hotel Falzes and environs

Local shops: Falzes and environs