Palafavera Tour

A ring-route of medium difficulty immersed in the foothills of Monte Civetta.

From Palafavera, just before the bridge, take a mule track, an old military road, which leads to Malga Pioda (1816 m) and then continues on to Forcella Alleghe. Turn right and follow the ski track, which with a few short, steeper inclines reaches Col di Baldi (1922 m), an excellent vantage point. After a short break admiring the Dolomite landscape, from here you descend in a westerly direction to a plateau and turn right to reach Casera Vescovà. Having passed the malga, turn right again near the stream, following the easy dirt road (strada delle Loche) to Palafavera.

Refreshment places: Palafavera Refuge, Chalet Col dei Baldi, Casera Vescovà

Hotel Val di Zoldo and environs

Local shops: Val di Zoldo and environs