Golf Club Roncegno Terme

The Golf Club Roncegno is a promotional course at the Sports Centre in Roncegno Terme, Valsugana, and includes: a six-hole course, Putting-Green and Driving-Range. The course at 450 m above sea level is a Par 20, with a total of 1050 m for men's starts and 954 m for women's starts.

Where is the Golf Club Roncegno located?

Address: Via Ferme - Loc. Stangade
Province: TN
Altitude: mt 450

Technical data

Green: 6 holes, Par 20
Facilities: training green, putting green, soccer fields, 6 tennis courts, volleyball field
Closing day: none
Season: March - November
How to get: state highway 47 that colleagues Trento to Bassano del Grappa and Padua. You arrive at the green driving along the street Roncegno-Borgo Valsugana for 1 km.

Hotel Roncegno and environs

Local shops: Roncegno and environs