How do we behave if we meet a wolf?

Although the wolf is considered a wild animal from which it is prudent to keep away, it does not usually show aggression towards humans. It is of a shy and elusive nature, perceiving man as a threat to flee from rather than prey.

In cases where it comes face to face with humans, it tends to disappear without exhibiting hostile behaviour. This tendency applies both to lone wolves and to those that are part of a pack or family.

If you feel intimidated by the wolf's presence, you can make noise with your voice or in some other way to induce it to move away. If the animal is far away, on the other hand, it is advisable to remain still and silent, letting it continue on its way. Always remain calm and move away, never approach them, never turn your back on the animal and keep it in your field of vision.

The fear of the wolf towards man has been built up over centuries due to the direct persecution suffered by the latter. The widespread use of firearms over the last two hundred years has contributed to the elimination of the wolf from entire regions and the survival of a few specimens in others.

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