Christmas market in Dobbiaco

Event date from: 29-11-2024 to: 06-01-2025

Christmas under the Three Peaks, that's the name of the Christmas market that takes place in Dobbiaco from November to January. It is not the usual market of handicraft products, but a market dedicated to gastronomy with an eye to the past, to the delicacies of the local tradition.

During this period, in the centre of Dobbiaco there will be several small houses that reflect the architectural style of the Grand Hotel, the most characteristic and famous monument of Dobbiaco, where you will be surrounded by a riot of scents and flavours, such as Strudel or Tirtl.

Opening hours Dobbiaco Christmas market

29.11. - 01.12.2024 11 a.m. - 9 p.m.
06.12. - 08.12.2024 11 a.m. - 9 p.m.
13.12. - 15.12.2024 11.00 - 21.00 o'clock

Friday 4 p.m. - 9 p.m.

20.12.2024 - 06.01.2025 11.00 - 21.00 hrs.

20.12.2024 4 p.m. - 9 p.m.
24.12.2024 11.00 a.m. - 4.00 p.m.
31.12.2024 11.00 a.m. - 2.00 a.m.

For further information: Dobbiaco Tourist Association, tel. +39 0474 972132

Hotel Dobbiaco and environs

Local shops: Dobbiaco and environs