Via Ferrata Sottotenente Fusetti above Cortina

09 March 2023

On Sass de Stria there is the Via Ferrata dedicated to Second Lieutenant Mario Fusetti, Gold Medal for Military Valour. Carried out during the summer of 2018 by two teams of Alpini near the Falzarego Pass, above Cortina, and named after Second Lieutenant Mario Fusetti, the ferrata is a new equipped route on the Sass de Stria face of great scenic and sporting value, but above all historical, as it follows in the footsteps of this great hero of the Great War.

Sass de Stria is a 2,477-metre-high alpine mountain located in the Dolomites, in the province of Belluno, overlooking the Falzarego Pass from above, opposite Tofana di Rozes and Lagazuoi. The mountain was the scene of fierce fighting during the First World War. Only in the second half of the 20th century, with the recovery of the trails, did it become a popular destination for tourists.

The route follows the route followed by the platoon led by Second Lieutenant Fusetti who, in October 1915, climbed Sasso di Stria to occupy the summit. The platoon was sighted, surrounded and after several hours of intense fighting was annihilated. Many were the victims of this terrible battle, among them also Lieutenant Fusetti lost his life.

In the centenary year of the Great War, to commemorate the sacrifices of the soldiers, the Army's Alpine Troops made two teams of military mountaineering instructors available during the summer to search for the remains of Second Lieutenant Mario Fusetti. It was thus that the latter decided to create a new route, the via ferrata in fact.

To reach the point of attack, one passes along the Goiginger tunnel, where the artillery emplacements aimed at the Martini ledge were located; one then crosses the Austro-Hungarian Goiginger emplacement on the saddle and follows a section of the path in the direction of the Edelweiss emplacement, to find the attack of the new ferrata after about 800 metres. From the arrival of the ferrata, you can continue along the Austro-Hungarian posts restored in recent years by the Alpini dell'A.N.A. di Treviso and reach the summit of Sass de Stria or descend to the Tre Sassi Fort.

Hotel Cortina and environs

Local shops: Cortina and environs