Climbing in the Dolomites - Feltrino

For the winter period we suggest the beautiful practice wall in Valle di Schievenin (Monte Grappa, access from Alano di Piave), while for the summer we point out that:

- On Vette di Feltre there are no ways worthy mentioning;

- On Gruppo del Cimònega (Sass de Mura), S slope of Val Canzòi,the best thing to do is to go up to Feltre-Bodo shelters and from here:

Piz de Mez along the nice via Goedeke, III e IV.
Sass de Mura along the normal way , III+.
Piz de Sagròn along the normal way, I-II.

- Check other possibilities: short climbs close to the shelters, about 200 m long

- For the most experts Parete Piatta of Sass da Mur presents many really hard ways

- Pizzocco Group can be climbed from San Gregorio nelle Alpi; base point for the S walls is in Bivacco Palìa, 1600 m. Different ways up to V are present. The big SW wall of Cima di Val Scura, on the contrary, doesn't present any base point, and you must start from the bottom. 500 m high, it offers many hard and few repeated ways. The big E wall of Pizzocco is only for first-raters, while the NE edge, 700 m , via Castiglioni (hard!) is sometimes repeated

- Monti del Sole, Val del Mis slope: an extremely wild area, it offers some ways, but in a forlorn zone, certainly not repeated. The accesses are long but remunerative

Hotel Feltre-Pedavena and environs

Local shops: Feltre-Pedavena and environs