Climbing in Auronzo and Misurina

Climbing in the Cadìni di Misurina

Many nice and relatively short ways on good rock:

- Punta Col de Varda, W wall, via Comici, IV
- Campanile Dùlfer, via Dulfer, V
- Torre Wundt: via Mazzorana from SE, III+ and from SW, IV and V
- Cadìn de le Bisse, via Mazzorana, IV and V
- In Auronzo, ask for information at the Guide Association at G Pais Bechèr's shop (he is a guide as well)

Climbing in the Popèna Group (Cristallo)

- Guglia De Amicis, IV and V
- The nice spring training ways on Monte Popèna, above Misurina: at least two
- Vie Mazzorana, III and IV vie Mazzorana also on the Pale di Misurina

Hotel Auronzo-Misurina and environs

Local shops: Auronzo-Misurina and environs