St. Orsola's church

Vigo di Cadore (m.951) is a well-known summer resort surrounded by a green landscape. At the fork for Laggio lies the church dedicated to St Orsola. She was the daughter of a Breton King and she is said to have been martyred at the time of either Diocletian or Maximinus together with 11,000 other virgins (let's remember that St Orsola is worshipped mainly at Köln and in the Veneto region). Ainardo da Vigo had the church built in 1344/45. It features a series of late15/early16th century frescoes: on the facade, the Virgin and St Christopher; inside, St Orsola's stories. ...something more about Cadore

Hotel Vigo di Cadore and environs

Local shops: Vigo di Cadore and environs