Pear flour autumn

Event date from: 23-09-2024 to: 29-09-2024

From 23rd - 29th September 2024, the little villages Verdings and Pradell dedicate a culinary week to the pear flour at the participating restaurants. On 22nd September, a themed night hike with interludes in German and stops at three restaurants where dishes made out of Birmehl will be served.

The highlight is the so called 'Birmehlsunntig ' on 29th September 2024 starting at 10.00 am. Various associations and restaurants take part in this event and are more than happy to rivive this ancient peasant tradition with special events and delicacies along the Birmehlweg. During the different stations, you can taste a lot of specialities made out of the Birmehl.

Hotel Chiusa and environs

Local shops: Chiusa and environs