The Castle of the Wolkenstein Earls: Gardena Castle

Gardena Castle is located between Santa Cristina and Selva Gardena, in Trentino Alto Adige. Of Renaissance origin, it was a summer and hunting residence, but its massive structure seems to refer to a medieval castle. The original name "Fischburg" or "castle of fishing" comes from the construction of some ponds that the owner of the fortress would have used to raise and fish for trout. Today it is owned by the Baron Andrea Franchetti family and can not be visited inside.

The history of Gardena Castle

Gardena Castle was built by the Counts of Wolkenstein between 1622 and 1641 initially for housing purposes. It was used as the seat of the Court of Selva until the end of the 18th century, after which a period of slow decline began for the manor. In 1826 the Wolkenstein-Trostburg family put their property up for auction and in 1841 it was donated to the municipality of Selva and Santa Cristina who, yielding it to the poor, condemned it to ruin. In 1926 Gardena Castel was bought and restored by Baron Franchetti, a well-known Africanist and father of the charming woman loved by Hemingway, Afdera. 

Even today the castle is inhabited by the family during the summer, so it is only possible to admire it from the outside. In the summer, during the Valgardenamusika festival, the castle garden hosts small concerts. 

For futher Information:
Gardena Castle
Vallunga - 39048 Selva Val Gardena
Tel. (+39) 0471 777 900

Hotel Selva di Val Gardena and environs

Local shops: Selva di Val Gardena and environs