Nanno Castle

The Castle of Nanno stands in the small village of the same name, one of the oldest in the Non Valley. Of medieval origin, it was rebuilt during the 16th century, taking on its current appearance as a Renaissance-style building. Today only the outside can be visited, as it is a private residence, Nanno Castle is the protagonist of shocking legends that tell of witches and unhappy love affairs.

Opening times and days

July, September, October: every SundayAugust: every Saturday and Sunday

Opening hours: 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.


FULL: 6 €
RIDUCED: 5 € - children under 18, adults with Trentino Guest Card, groups of more than 15 people
RIDUCED: 4 € - children under 18 with Trentino Guest Card
GROUPS SCHOOLS: 4 € per person 
ORGANISED GROUPS: 4 € per person - groups of more than 15 people with their own accredited guide. Compulsory booking at APT Val di Non

FREE OF CHARGE: children under 4 years of age in a family unit and disabled persons with their accompanying personGRATUITY ORGANIZED GROUPS: the entrance for teachers accompanying school groups is free of charge. For organised tourist groups we provide up to 2 free entries for any accompanying persons.

SINGLE TICKET: Guided tour of Valer and Nannen Castle with a single ticket. 16 € - reduced € 13 - Other advantageous formulas for organised groups, schools, children under 18 and Trentino Guest Card holders.

Hotel Nanno and environs

Local shops: Nanno and environs