Coira Castle

This Renaissance castle was built in 1253 by the bishops of Coira who gave it its name. 
Nowadays the castle belong to the counts von Trapp and is open to the public all the year long, winter excluded.
The owner offers the castle rooms for many events, such as concerts, workshops and particular shows.

The castle lies on a hill in Sluderno/Schluderns with the Ortles group on the background. It is reachable through a stone pavement.
Inside the castle you can breathe a unique atmosphere and you have the sensation of plunging into far medieval and Renaissance periods.
Much admired is the cloister which guests the armours' room, a collection of medieval weapons unique in the world.
Other important works are in the Chapel of the Castle, in the romantic style, and in the famous Matscher room, so called for the counts Matsch, owners of the castle from 1300 to 1504, when the Churburg passed to the von Trapp family.

Counts Matsch started making the collection of the first armours. Then this tradition was continued by the counts von Trapp, the present owner of the castle, who also expanded and adorned the castle since 1500 with precious manufactured articles and works of art.
The Trapps gave the castle its actual aspect and frescoed the inner courtyard with celebrative pictures from their own history and the Latin history. Completely covered with timber is James VII with the organ of 1559, whereas the chapel of Saint Nicholas is one of the few rests of the original castle of the XIII century.


Adults: 14 €
Families: 32€
Adult groups: € 10 (minimum 15 people)

Opening times

Open until the end of November
Tuesday until Sunday
Start of guided tours in Italian
10 am, 11.30 am
2.30 pm, 4 pm

Where to park

Cars can park in the castle parking lot. Parking is located a few steps from the castle entrance. Buses and caravans can park in the train station parking lot. The station is located near the main road. It takes about 15-20 minutes to walk up to the castle.

For further information
Castel Coira
Castel Coira 1
I- 39020- Sluderno
Tel.: (+39) 0473 615 241

Hotel Sluderno and environs