Velturno Castle

The castle was built in 1578 under will of the bishop Johann Thomas von Spaur. Bishop residence till 1803, the castle is considered one of the finest examples of late-renaissance fortresses. Inside rooms reminds to the ancient splendours of this building.

In the Princes' Chamber it is possible to admire the precious wall inlaying, unique in their genre and the inlaid wood-work of the ceiling by Hans Spineider. The other rooms of the castle keeps other treasures and works of art, among which there are an old octagonal stove with the family coats of arms and depicted scenes from the Old and the New Testament and pictures by Pier Maria Bagnadore dated 1584.

The decorations of the interiors were made by craftsmen from Northern Italy, Tyrol and Southern Germany and no less than nine types of precious wood had been used.

Opening hours of Castel Velturno in Valle Isarco

The castle is open until 3 November 2024 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mondays and Tuesdays closed

Admission with guide
Adults €6.00
Family ticket (parents and children up to 14 years of age) 12,00€ 1 parent and children up to 14 years of age
1 parent and children up to 14 years 6,00 €
Children up to 6 years - free admission
Children and students up to 18 years €3.50
Groups of min. 15 people and seniors from 65 years 3,50 €.
School groups (primary, middle, vocational and high schools) 2,00 €.

For further information:
Castel Velturno
via Paese 1
I-39040 Feldthurns/Velturno (BZ)
Tel. (+39) 0472 855525

Hotel Velturno and environs

Local shops: Velturno and environs