
The castle was built in 1283 on a rocky spur above the main road to Laces/Latsch by the Lords of Montalban. Inside it was richly frescoed. The XV century frescoes of the Chapel are worth a mention. During the centuries different lords ruled it. It had also been distrained on and in 1285 a fire completely destroyed it.

What we can see nowadays is the result of an accurate restoration that brought to light the ancient halls and the many frescoes. The "Alte Kuchl", the old kitchen is worth a visit, in the southern wing of the castle. Today its halls and the inner courtyard are a wonderful frame for classic concerts, workshops, performances, exhibitions and other events.

Opening times
From 31 May to 31 October, from Wednesday to Sunday, only guided visits.

For further information
Associazione Turistica Castelbello - Ciardes
Via Statale 5
Tel.: +39 0473 624193

Hotel Castelbello - Ciardes and environs

Local shops: Castelbello - Ciardes and environs