Campo Castle

Castel Campo is one of the best preserved fortresses in Trentino and stands in the Giudicarie esteriori at Fiavè, towards the edge of the Lomaso Plain. Surrounded by woods, the beautiful castle with its two round towers is perched on an outcrop between the Rio Rezoloa and Duina streams.

The first record of Castel Campo dates back to 1163, when it was owned by the Campo family, a powerful and renowned family that held it for three hundred years. In 1423, when Francesco Da Campo sided with the Visconti family during the war between Milan and Venice, the castle was in danger of being completely destroyed.

In 1468 the new owners became the Trapps, who considerably enlarged and enriched the building. Following an almost complete reconstruction in the 19th century, in 1920 Castel Campo was bought by the Rasini family from Milan, who had it restored and frescoed.

Today, the manor is still owned by the Rasini family, which has continued the restoration work, thanks also to the contribution of the Province of Trento.

From an aesthetic-architectural point of view, Castel Campo is truly unique due to its varied mix of styles (medieval, romantic and neo-gothic); the internal courtyard is also admirable, featuring three orders of loggias from different eras.

Today, Castel Campo makes its halls, courtyard and other spaces available for meetings and conferences, but it is also often used for events such as concerts and theatre performances.

It can only be visited by prior arrangement.

More info
Castel Campo
Fiave’ (TN) Italia
Tel. (+39) 371 3591125

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