Arabba Geological Trail

20 July 2022

After a long period of extraordinary maintenance work, the Arabba Geological Path was inaugurated on Saturday 23 July. This is an existing ring-route, which thanks to the joint work of the collaborators of Funivie Arabba and the C.A.I. section of Livinallongo, has been reborn in a new form.

In addition to the maintenance of the trail and the restoration of the vertical signage, the itinerary is also enriched by the installation of new information boards near the 18 Stop containing a simplified version of the texts from the book "Il Sentiero Geologico di Arabba" (The Geological Trail of Arabba) by Carlo Doglioni, Cesare Lasen and Gilberto Salvatore, published by the C.A.I. in 2010.

The Geological Trail of Arabba, in its complete version, is a 12.2 km loop trail divided into 18 stages (Stop) with departure and arrival at the mountain station of Porta Vescovo. It takes about 6-8 hours of walking to complete it all, depending on one's training. The less well-trained can follow the reduced versions, which only cover certain sections of the complete loop. 

Hotel Arabba - Pordoi Pass and environs

Local shops: Arabba - Pordoi Pass and environs